Sustainable Skincare: A Journey. By Gee Hayes from Thrive with Impact.
When you think about the cost of skincare and beauty products, what if the real cost isn’t actually the one reflected on the price tag? What if the real cost of our products was the ongoing damage to our health and to our environment? Well guess what – it is.
When you consider that 60% of everything you lather on your skin is absorbed into your bodies, it can be pretty alarming to know that almost all conventional beauty brands contain some sort of synthetic chemicals, fragrances and preservatives, which are also proven to be endocrine disruptors, skin irritants and potential carcinogens!
Yet the problem not only lies with the disruption of our health, but also with the havoc wreaked on our environment. The toxic chemicals that leach into our bodies also get washed down drains and end up in the oceans, ruining our ecosystems. On top of this, the plastic containers and packaging of skincare items can take hundreds of years to break down in landfill. It’s an industry of single use items and our typical skincare routines reflects just that.
Life is busy, and it’s not often you get the opportunity to stop and think about the decisions you make and how you’re living your life. Our daily routines evolve over time, and although our routines will never be faultless (we’re only human) there are often simple solutions that could help change your lifestyle for the better.
This year I have committed to changing my lifestyle to more accurately reflect my values. This means cutting out my consumption of single-use plastics, swapping out makeup products for eco-friendly alternatives and using essential oils instead of most of my normal products. In fact, I now use oils for my skin toner, pimple treatment, moisturiser, stretchmarks, cuts and scars! All of these changes were made due to my passion for leading a low-tox lifestyle.
For those of you unfamiliar with the low-tox movement, it’s essentially a holistic approach to everyday life with an ultimate goal of achieving a healthy mind, body and planet. It aims to eliminate the harmful chemicals that consume our daily life whilst promoting a sustainable and rewarding way to live.
While the solutions are not black and white, as an ethical consumer it is up to you to make more sustainable choices. Choose brands that are using minimal packaging and organic ingredients. Of course, it’s important to check that they’re cruelty free too. Check to see whether they are implementing initiatives that have positive impacts in our community and on the planet.
There are so many brands out there who are doing incredible things; I wholeheartedly believe it is vital we vote with our dollars and support those who are supporting our planet. This is why I love Sabbia Co so much. They’re a double win when it comes to low-tox living as it is sustainable (save the trees!) and also allows you to remove makeup, cleanse and exfoliate using just water. Their products are both reusable and biodegradable, and made to rejuvenate all different skin types. For me, using my Face Kit has just complemented my daily routine so well; I now use it to remove any makeup I’m wearing (so long single use wipes), exfoliate my face, and apply my nightly essential oil serum.
What I’ve come to realise is that it’s so much less about covering up your blemishes, and so much more about healing your skin problems internally. SO many of the problems and irritations we have are caused by the chemical ingredients we expose our skin to in our makeup, our toners and our moisturisers. I have made the commitment to only use 100% natural ingredients on my body, and my skin is reaping the rewards.
Just remember that every change makes a difference – it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing approach, and none of us are perfect. Vote with your dollar, support our environment, and keep the nasty toxins away from that beautiful skin of yours! You know what they say – there’s no time like the present. Go on and start today.